01.13.2025 Israeli Arabs & Jews Don’t Agree on What Equality Means or How To Achieve it Compared to Arab Israelis, Jewish are nearly 40% more likely to believe that Jews and Arabs already have equal rights in Israel, a study by the Abraham Initiatives has found By Yaniv Sharon
01.12.2025 B&Bs on Israel’s Borders Call for Gov’t Support To Boost Postwar Recovery In an attempt to return life to areas most affected by the war, the government plans to invest 175 million shekels in tourism in the Israeli periphery By Nizzan Zvi Cohen
01.10.2025 Violence in Arab-Israeli Society on the Rise, With 10 Children Killed Last Year Although Arab-Israelis make up just 20% of the Israeli population, more than 90% of the Israeli children affected by gun violence in the past several years have been Arab By Yaniv Sharon
01.10.2025 Victim of Workplace Sexual Harassment Awarded Damages The Tel Aviv Regional Labor Court awarded a woman 430,000 shekels (about $117,000) in damages after her CEO was found guilty of sexually harassing her By Nizzan Zvi Cohen
01.08.2025 Canadian Tourist to Israel Scammed by Phony Travel Authorization Site The Israeli Population and Immigration Authority urged tourists to make sure that they were filling out a form on the official website, which has a “.gov.il” address and charges just $7 for an entry permit By Leah Schwartz
01.07.2025 9% Salary Increase for Bezeq International Workers After New Collective Agreement Union chair: “We’ve managed to provide the company’s dedicated workers with certainty and stability for the coming years, along with a package of benefits and rights that will grow as the company’s profitability increases” By Nizzan Zvi Cohen