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Histadrut Chairman Visits Front-Line Workers in Ashdod: "You are Doing Holy Work"

Arnon Bar-David offers his support to Ashdod’s firefighters, municipality staff, and wounded citizens | "The city is strong and it will continue to be strong; as long as you need the services of the Histadrut, we are here"

יו"ר ההסתדרות ארנון בר-דוד (משמאל) וראש עיריית אשדוד יחיאל לסרי (צילום: דוברות ההסתדרות)
Histadrut Chairman Arnon Bar-David (left) and Ashdod Mayor Yehiel Lasri (Photo: Histadrut Spokesperson)
By Nizzan Zvi Cohen

Histadrut chairman Arnon Bar-David and members of his staff toured the city of Ashdod earlier this month and met with those working day and night to help its citizens since the outbreak of war three weeks ago. The tour of the southern city included visits with wounded victims of the war, conversations with firefighters, and a meeting with Mayor Yehiel Lasri to hear about the city’s emergency preparations.

"It’s important that the residents understand that this is a strong city which is in good and trustworthy hands," the chairman of the Histadrut told the mayor.

"Managing a city under normal circumstances, and even more so in war, is not easy; it requires skill – and you have it. You should be proud of this amazing city. Yehiel, the staff, the municipality employees and the citizens are a source of pride for the people of Israel. The city is strong and it will continue to be strong. I stand behind you as the chairman of the Histadrut; as long as you need the services of the Histadrut, we are here."

To the fire department, which has been kept busy by multiple rocket strikes from Hamas, Ben-David shared words of partnership and encouragement:

"We are standing by you, you are doing holy work. You are the spearhead of the workforce. Keep up the excellent work, the Histadrut is with you. Together we will win."

Histadrut chairman Arnon Bar-David meets with firefighters in Ashdod (Photo: Histadrut Spokesperson).
Histadrut chairman Arnon Bar-David meets with firefighters in Ashdod (Photo: Histadrut Spokesperson).

In a meeting with Ashdod port workers, the chairman of the Histadrut stated that the work of the people, even under fire, is worthy of praise.

Employees of the Histadrut’s Ashdod regional branch, led by chairman Haim Shaib and deputy Meir Ben-Guzi, told Bar-David about their mobilization efforts to provide assistance to soldiers and residents of the city. Bar-David thanked them for their tremendous spirit of volunteerism.

The delegation from the Histadrut chairman’s office then visited the local station of Magen David Adom (MDA), Israel’s national emergency medical service. David Nahum, Deputy Commander of Ashdod’s MDA station, described the preparation efforts, extensive workforce deployment, and the experience of working under rocket fire.

"We came here to support you and tell you that we are mobilized for you and for all the workers in the area," Bar-David said to the MDA staff. "The most important thing is to tell you that we trust you and recognize your professionalism. Be united and strong."

Finally, Bar-David and his team met with the director of Assuta Medical Center Ashdod, Dr. Erez Barenboim. They spoke with the medical teams and visited the wounded from the war.

"I praise your work," Bar-David told members of the hospital staff. "You have seen and continue to see unbearably difficult sights, treating the victims of the ongoing war. I want to strengthen your hands and hope together with you for the recovery of the wounded."

The tour was attended by deputy chairman of the Histadrut Ro'i Yaakov, chairman of the Executive and Personnel Department Avi Yehezkel, chairman of the Union of Clerical, Administrative and Public Service Employees (UCAPSE) Adv. Gil Bar-Tal, general manager of the UCAPSE Amichai Stinger, chairman of the Transportation Workers’ Union Adv. Eyal Yadin and the chairman of the National Histadrut Workers' Council David Partiali.

This article was translated from Hebrew by Hannah Blount.

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