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Honoring the Fallen: Exhibition Pays Tribute to Druze Soldiers' Courage and Sacrifice

Hundreds gather for photo exhibit, dialogue circles and speeches by family members of fallen soldiers in commemorative event at Habima Square in Tel Aviv | Khaled Dagash, father of slain soldier Sufian Dagash: "I am the father of every fallen soldier; I feel the nation’s embrace"

תערוכה בכיכר הבימה לזכר הנופלים הדרוזים במלחמה (צילום: יהל פרג')
Attendees read about some of the Druze soldiers who have been killed in Israel’s war against Hamas at an exhibition in Tel Aviv’s Habima Square (Photo: Yahel Farag)
By Yahel Farag

Late last month, hundreds of Israelis came to Habima Square in Tel Aviv to see an exhibition dedicated to Druze soldiers who have been killed in Israel’s current war against Hamas. Family members of some of the fallen came from near and far to find solace and share stories about their loved ones' bravery.

Druze and Jewish Israelis participate in a dialogue circle at the exhibition (Photo: Yahel Farag)
Druze and Jewish Israelis participate in a dialogue circle at the exhibition (Photo: Yahel Farag)
Students engage in a dialogue circle at the exhibition (Photo: Yahel Farag)
Students engage in a dialogue circle at the exhibition (Photo: Yahel Farag)

Khaled Dagash, whose son, Staff Sergeant Sufian Dagesh, was killed in combat on January 2, addressed the crowd, saying "I am the father of all of the fallen soldiers, and in moments like this, I feel the embrace of the nation.” His son Sufian was serving as a combat engineer in the Engineering Corps when he was killed in battle in the northern Gaza Strip.

Khaled Dagash, father of Staff Sergeant Sufian Dagash, who was killed in battle, speaks at the event (Photo: Yahel Farag)
Khaled Dagash, father of Staff Sergeant Sufian Dagash, who was killed in battle, speaks at the event (Photo: Yahel Farag)

Amir Harb, brother of fallen Staff Sergeant Adi Malik Harb, also addressed the attendees. "We're not doing anyone a favor; we're doing our duty like any other citizen in Israel. The Druze community gives without expecting anything in return." Adi Malik Harb, from Beit Jann, was killed in combat in the Gaza Strip on November 18, 2023, while serving in the Nahal Brigade.

Amir Harb urged those who attended the event to carry its message with them. "When was the first time you told your children the word 'Druze'?” he asked. “In the army? I learned as a child about Moses, Jethro, and the Jewish people. I expect everyone to teach their children about the Druze," he said.

Two attendees embrace at the exhibition (Photo: Yahel Farag)
Two attendees embrace at the exhibition (Photo: Yahel Farag)

This article was translated from Hebrew by Marina Levy.